
beer battered fish & chips

chips, minted mushy peas, tartare sauce


Breaded whole tail scampi

chips, peas, tartare sauce

Goan curry - chicken

chilli & coriander rice, poppadom


Goan curry - hake & prawn

chilli & coriander rice, poppadom


Goan curry - vegetable

chilli & coriander rice, poppadom
Vegan Option available.


Moving Mountains plant based burger

smoked applewood, BBQ sauce, chips
(v) (veo)

Mushroom alfredo

saffron tagliatelle, rocket, toasted pine nuts, white truffle oil
(v veo gfo)

Sausage and mash

served with gravy

The Olive Tree Burger

Smoked bacon, mature cheddar, bbq sauce, chips, coleslaw


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